Community Service Day

  • Post published:07/09/2009
  • Post comments:3 Comments
Tynan watching yeast
Tynan watching yeast

With the  weather still cold and wet we devoted yesterday to community service. The only gardening we could do was watch the yeast grow as we started baking bread for the food distribution at the Federated Church of Charlemont.

It takes strength to knead bread, but we kneaded until the dough felt like a baby’s bottom. We weren’t going to get any of the bread, but we baked lemon cookies for the Bridge of Flowers birthday on Saturday and the Greenfield Garden Club Tour, also on Saturday.

We saved some of the cookies for us to eat. They are delicious.

The sun cannot set on Wednesdays without a trip to the Heath Free Public Library.  We needed to get out a book of Emily Dickinson’s poems in preparation for our visit to the Emily Dickinson Museum on Saturday. They are going to have a ‘circus’ with free strawberry shortcake.

We brought our bread down to the food distribution. There are now 85 families in our area who do not have enough to eat. There are hungry families throughout all of Franklin County and you can help feed them.  If you go to the Hunger Task Force website you will find a list of food pantries and meal sites with their hours that are accepting food donations, including fresh produce from your garden.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Tinky

    I love all your posts, but this one has a special place in my heart. Having fun baking, helping others, and reading poetry with kids: could life and love be better?

  2. Freda

    I love what you’ve done with this page! Commonweeder is one of the best blogs I’ve ever seen! Keep it up, please.

  3. admin

    Tinky – I know you have a special interest in cooking with the young. It is fun!
    Freda – Thanks for the kind words!

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