June is Bustin’ Out All Over

  • Post published:06/15/2008
  • Post comments:9 Comments

I guess I can’t really take credit for this Double Knock Out which was in full bud when I planted it about a month ago, adding it to my collection of about 70 hardy roses – all that will survive on my Massachusetts hill top. The color is spectacular and a great contrast to the pastels which predominate in the garden.

This is Mount Blanc, one of my favorite rugosas. I don’t know why Blanc Double de Coubert gets so much press when this fragrant gorgeous double white is ignored.

This Apothecary rose was the first to bloom this year. It has increased mightily since it was planted about 15 years ago. Now it is racing out into the field to join the mystery iris.

Of course we have ox eye daisies, buttercups, some kind of aster-ish flower and yarrow out in the field, but I have no explanation for how this stunning clump of Siberian iris jumped out in the field. I will say it must be a strong grower and extraordinary spreader because I think everyone in Heath has clumps of this beautiful flower. You’ll notice that the field looks overgrown; it won’t be mowed until after the bobolinks (should there be any) or other birds have done nesting. The purple iris is one of the three cultivated flowers we found when we bought our house. One of the other two was a white iris. See below.

In spite of the clover and ‘weeds’ like galium or lady’s bedstraw this white iris is another strong grower. It is possible that the yellow loosestrife below wouldn’t count as a cultivated flower, but it was here and is cheerful and dependable. It stays.

There is more to flowers than color.

This mock orange was planted so that when were were resting or visiting inside the Cottage Ornee we could enjoy the delicious fragrance. A little shoot of mock orange was given to me by the very green fingered Sue Chadwick who is known for her orchard of heritage apples. She knows her way around scion wood.

The peonies have just started to bloom. I have very few early peonies because I want as many as possible to still be blooming when the roses begin their season.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Sarah Laurence

    Pat, what a lovely garden! I love a meadow of wildflowers and birds more than anything. I’m happy to hear you support sustainable gardening. I worked politically to help get a Smart Growth Ordinance passed in my town back in Maine and I used to do environmental work. I notice we are both writers too. I’ll look forward to seeing your roses.

  2. beckie

    Pat, I enjoyed your post and seeing the spring flowers again. We are long past them, especially with the heat we’ve had the last couple of weeks. It has felt more like mid-Aug. Your wisteria is lovely and I know how patient you have to be with it. Where we first had ours planted, it baked! Up against the siding on our house, it was just too hot for it. We moved it to the northwest side of our garage and it took off like gang busters. Now it blooms more than I can count. After last years late frost killed all the flower buds, it redoubled it’s efforts this year and put on quite a show. Thanks for sharing your garden.

  3. Nan Ondra

    Your Double Knock Out really is filled with blooms, Pat. Just imagine how stunning it will be in a few years. I too like the yellow loosestrife, even though it’s considered weedy around here. And I can only imagine the fragrance you’re enjoying from that bloom-filled mock orange, you lucky gardener.

  4. Lisa at Greenbow

    Pat, your White rose is gorgeous. It is one that is truly white. It is great that you have enough property to let some of it grow for birds that nest. The iris and other cultivated flowers that pop up in this area are bonuses for sure. Mock Orange is one of my favorite bushes. I think their fragrance is worth having them in the garden even though their appearance isn’t exactly the mose eye appealing when not in bloom. I think the doubles are a little uglier than the single blooming shrubs. I bet this mock orange of yours is a beacon of light in the garden during the low light hours of the day.

  5. Carol

    Since your mockorange and peonies are just now blooming, I assume you are pretty far north of me.

    Thanks for joining in for bloom day. I liked your picturs!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  6. Pat Leuchtman

    Sarah, I’m so glad you found the commonweeder. I’ve been an organic gardener forever, but recently I have been getting a real education in sustainability from a ‘neighbor’ Walter Cudnohufsky, founder of the Conway School of Landscape Design. the school csld.edu had a great website. I hope you know Susan Harris’ (of Garden Rant fame) sustainability blog. I’ll be visiting you more often.

  7. Pat Leuchtman

    Sometimes we feel we are later than everyone – high on our hill. We can have pansies all summer. Since my posting we had a hail storm. The wisteria took a beating – along with the vegetables, but it seems pretty resilient.

  8. Pat Leuchtman

    thank for visiting. I’d say I’m a lucky gardener at this season, but in fact, I guess there is no season that we gardeners are not lucky. There is always something to rejoice in.

  9. Pat Leuchtman

    Thanks again for inventing bloom day. I so much enjoy seeing the spread of seasons, and everyone’s enthusiastic reports.

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