Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day – October 2013

  • Post published:10/14/2013
  • Post comments:8 Comments


Thomas Affleck rose

On this Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day in my Massachusetts hilltop garden we have  come through only one good frost, but the garden is slowly falling to sleep. Thomas Affleck is still blooming, and sporadic blossoms are still being thrown out by The Fairy, Meideland red and white, Hawkeye Belle and Knock Out Double Red.

The Fairy
Grandpa Ott

Grandpa Ott is a morning glory that is still blooming, in front of the house and down in the Potager, as we grandly call the vegetable garden. The Potager is still enjoying blooming annual salvia, annual gomphrena, zinnias, and Agastache ‘Cana’ which will definitely have to be divided in the spring!


Blue lobelia

The standard blue lobelia has been quietly blooming all summer long.

Japanese anemone

I love my Japanese anemone – and so do the deer. Not much is left of her.


‘Starlet’ spoon mums

‘Starlet’ spoon mum is struggling a bit, but I appreciate her golden face.

Purple aster

Fall is time for asters, but pink Alma Potchke is already gone.

Sheffield daisies

Sheffield daisies, sheffies, are wonderful strong growers that bloom into October. Mine have barely started. My Montauk daisies have also barely begun.


I will end the Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day post with some sunny nasturtiums. The day itself promises sunny, and time to get  out and continue cutting back and cleaning the garden.

Thank you Carol for hosting  Garden Bloggers’s Bloom Day. I’ve gotten a headstart today but you’ll  be able to see what else is blooming all over the  country here.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Lisa at Greenbow

    Love those spoon mums. I didn’t know that was their name. Happy GBBD.

  2. Layanee

    Roses still? Lucky you. Lovely blooms.

  3. Rose

    Good to see so much still blooming in your garden, Pat. We’re still waiting for our first frost, but it’s forecast to come very soon. Love those sheffies–they’ve been on my wish list for awhile.

    I enjoyed your book review in your last post; sounds like a book I would enjoy!

  4. Lea

    Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!
    Lea’s Menagerie

  5. Holleygarden

    How wonderful that your roses are still blooming. All your blooms are very pretty. I was interested in learning that the deer love anemone. I want to add some of these to my garden – now I’ll make sure they’re where the deer can’t get them!

  6. Jason

    No frosts here just yet, though today is the generally considered the end of the frost-free season. Your roses are looking good, especially for so late in the year!

  7. Pat

    Donna – I am always surprised that I can find things blooming this late in the yaar.
    Lisa – Starlet, a spoon mum, definitely does shine in my garden.
    Layanee – Thomas Affleck is a champ!
    Rose – You’ll love Signature of All Things as much as the Sheffies.
    Lea – I love GBBD! So good to see all the gardens.
    Holley – All I can say is the deer love my anemones.
    Jason – Not many roses, but the blooms that come are lovely and welcome.

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